“American Dream” Schoolhouse Exhibit at Salerno Colored School
18 May

10am-2pm, “American Dream” Schoolhouse Exhibit at Salerno Colored School (1934)* – FREE

The “American Dream” Schoolhouse Exhibit highlights the high value that some of our Florida Pioneers placed upon ensuring the development of literacy and conventional education for the formerly enslaved African American children in Florida. The historic one-room schoolhouse itself, where esteemed educators Robert Murray and Costella Williams taught, clearly defines a part of this era and the ambitious nature of former students like Dr. David Anderson and Mrs. Marian Carpenter. www.mcblackheritage.com  Contact: Phillip Harvey at 772-238-0629.

Event Times:

Event Location:
New Monrovia One-Room Schoolhouse
4455 SE Murray Street
port Salerno , FL

Event poster