green plants

Eco Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer To Help Protect the Environment of Martin County

Looking to make a positive impact?

Here in Martin County, there are countless natural areas to explore, from unique hiking trails through one of the five state parks to snorkeling the northernmost section of Florida’s coral reef. However, when you are in Martin County, you can do more than just experience these amazing ecosystems, you can take action to help protect them.

Whether you are looking for a regular volunteer gig or a one-time experience, you are likely to find an opportunity that fits your needs! Read below to learn what is available and how you can help protect the nature we love for generations to come.

Upcoming Volunteer Events

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February 23, 2025
Stewardship Sunday Shoreline Cleanup at Blowing Rocks Preserve!
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March 1, 2025
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March 1, 2025
Great American Cleanup

Local Organizations with Volunteer Opportunities

Below are Martin County’s local environmental organizations that offer various volunteer opportunities throughout the year! Visit their sites to learn about what events they have coming up.

Make A Positive Impact On Your Own!

If you can’t make a volunteer event, there are still plenty of ways that you can make a positive impact on the environment on your own! Below are some eco initiatives that you can take part in any time of the year!

Citizen Science Projects

Dolphin Spotter is a project that encourages people to submit photos of dolphin sightings from land to fill in the gaps of research on Florida’s dolphins! Learn more on how you can become a dolphin spotter here.

Otter Spotter is a project where people can submit their otter sightings from any location in Florida to help better understand and conserve the North American river otters. Learn how you can participate in otter spotter here.

Beach Cleanups

Participate in the Florida Oceanographic Society’s beach cleanup program! Through a partnership with MyCoast, you can report your any beach or causeway cleanups through the My Coast app! Learn more about how you report your next cleanup here.

Follow Turtle-Safe Practices

March 1 through October 31 is sea turtle nesting season! To help ensure the success of sea turtles and their hatchlings, you can follow the rules “Dark, Flat, and Clean” next time you visit the beach.

Dark: Keep lights off at night and don’t use flashlights or flash photography on the beach at night.

Flat: Fill in holes, knock over sandcastles, and remove any other obstructions that could block a sea turtles journey along the beach.

Clean: Pick up all trash! Sea turtles can get entangled in trash or mistake it for food.

Learn more here!